Toiletry Costs

From “Ask Kit!”:

Q: What can I expect to pay for providing soap/lotions/shampoos/per room?

A: You can go hog wild on that and spend as much as $10/room. Don’t. Since you are providing a more simple experience I think your amenities can also be simple. You should be able to get by with $1-2/room, especially if you use refillable dispensers for soap, lotion, shampoo, and conditioners. Do have a small bar of soap too — some folk need that. From both a cost and environmental perspective, bulk dispensers make more sense than individual packaging.

If you ever become a luxury experience, that’s a time to consider expanding your toiletry options, but still be careful to not go hog wild. I enjoyed a presentation years ago at a B&B conference where the speaker had a table loaded with wonderful toiletries. He acted as if that’s what his luxury hotel offered guests. After talking about them briefly, he dramatically swept them onto the floor, leaving only soap and shampoo on the table. Then he proceeded to talk about how much is reasonable and what guests really want and expect. Each property has its unique answer to that question, but be aware that you can unnecessarily go too far with toiletries.

2 thoughts on “Toiletry Costs”

  1. There are lots of things you can purchase for a bathroom. Hotel supply companies will be happy to sell you shower caps, lotions, bath foam, bath oil, and all sorts of other goodies.
    I stock hand soap, liquid soap, and shampoo in my guest rooms.
    From National Hospitality Supply:
    2 oz. shampoo, 144 per case: $34.95 / cost per shampoo is 24 cents.
    1000 #3/4 dial soap: $95.95 / cost per soap: 10 cents
    From the Dollar Store:
    11.25 oz. scented liquid soap dispenser (refillable): $1.00
    Total costs per room: $1.34.
    The hand soap and shampoo are displayed for guests in a decorative little “pouch” made from folding an extra handtowel. The handtowel, (always very decorative), is leaned against a corner of the counter by the bathroom sink. The liquid soap dispenser is placed beside it.
    B&B’s may always splurge and purchase more expensive products or even products that are packaged with your business logo on the wrapping. Given the low to very moderate rates my facility charges, ($50 to $90 per room), I really can’t justify the expense of doing this.
    Inn at Elizabethville

  2. We use Fuller Soaps and have a custom label put on it. The cost is $0.25 a bar. We find lots of guests don’t use them and take it with them as a souvenier. They are cute and the cost is small.

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